
No. 63

Baku, 25 February 2019

On approving the “Rules governing the registration and use of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names” and the “List of information included in the domain name registry”

To ensure the application of Law No. 900-VQD dated 1 December 2017 “On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On Telecommunications” and to ensure the execution of Clause 1.2 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1754 dated 22 December 2017 “On amendments to Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 277 dated 9 August 2005 ‘On the application of amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On Telecommunications’”, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan hereby 


  1. The “Rules governing the registration and use of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names” shall be approved (Appendix 1).

  2. The “List of information included in the domain name registry” shall be approved (Appendix 2)

  3. Amendments to this Resolution shall be carried out in accordance with Article 2.6-1 of the “Statute on the preparation and adoption of the normative legal acts of executive power bodies” approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 772 dated 24 August 2002.

Novruz Mammadov

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan  

Baku, 25 February 2019 

No. 63

Appendix 1

The “Rules governing the registration and use of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names” approved by Resolution No. 63 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

1. General Provisions

1.1. The “Rules governing the registration and use (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names” have been prepared in accordance with international standards for the registration of domain names in the country and will establish the Rules for the registration and use of top-level domain names in the Republic of Azerbaijan under Clause 1.2 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1754 dated 22 December 2017 “On amendments to Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 277 dated 9 August 2005 ‘On the application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On Telecommunications’” and the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 900-VQD dated 1 December 2017 “On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Telecommunications”, Article 7.10 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Telecommunications” and Article 13-1.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Information, information technology and protection of information”.

1.2. The symbol ‘az’ is a top-level country code belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan and representing the national segment of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the global Internet network.

1.3. These Rules do not apply to the content of the information resource created with the ‘az’ country code top-level domain name and (or) to the relationships developed by the dissemination of information through it.

1.4. The Registrant has the right to freely choose a Registrar of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names.

2. Basic Definitions 

 2.1.   In these Rules:

 2.1.1. Domain Name Level – means an indicator that is one number more than the dot (‘.’) separating the group of alphanumeric characters in the domain name;

2.1.2. Country Code Top Level Domain Name – means a domain name representing the national segment of the country in the global network;

2.1.3. Subdomain – is a lower level domain in relation to any domain name;

2.1.4. Domain Name Maintenance – means complex technical measures ensuring the functionality of a domain name;

2.1.5. Termination of Domain Name Maintenance – means lack of access to the resources operating on DNS due to the absence of a response to DNS queries;

2.1.6. Domain Name Management – means organizational and technical measures to ensure the functioning of a domain name;

2.1.7. Domain Name Registration – means an entry of domain name information into the domain name registry;

2.1.8. Domain Name Registration Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Registration Agreement) – is the Agreement regulating the relationship between the Domain Name Registrar and Registrants (hereinafter referred to as the Registrar and the Registrant) for domain name registration and maintenance in ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone;

2.1.9. Domain Name Registry (hereinafter referred to as the Registry) – means an electronic information resource containing the information on domain names registered in the ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone;

2.1.10. Cancellation of Registration – means discard of information on a domain name from database;

2.1.11. Registrant – is a legal or natural person applying to a Domain Name Registrar regarding the registration of a domain name in accordance with these Rules;

2.1.11-1. National administrator of domain names – an authorized person administering domain names in the ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone;

2.1.12. Stop-list – is the list of words or expressions restricted or prohibited for the registration of a domain name;

2.1.13. Reserved Domain Names – mean domains intended for public needs, domains of general significance, second-level domains for general use;

2.1.14. DNS – Domain Name System – means a hierarchical centralized system that provides access to computers, services and other resources connected to the Internet;

2.1.15. DNS Server – means software and hardware that serve DNS;

2.1.16. Primary DNS Server – is a DNS server providing the storage of complete domain name information and query processing;

2.1.17. Secondary DNS Server – means a DNS server that receives complete domain name information from the primary DNS server.

2.2. Second-level (generic) domain zones, such as ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ and ‘’ are defined for general use.

2.3. Other terms used in these Rules convey the meaning set out in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Information, information technology and protection of information”.

3. Domain Name Registration 

3.1. The right to use domain names in the ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone is delegated by the National Administrator of Domain Names (hereinafter referred to as the National Administrator), while the registration and maintenance services for the domain names are provided by local or foreign registrars. The amount of the fee for registration and maintenance of domain names in the top-level domain zone with the country code ‘az’ is determined by the National Administrator in approval with the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

3.2. The administration of the domain zone ‘’ is regulated in accordance with the related Rules established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3.3. Domain names that meet the requirements of these Rules are registered.

3.4. The Registrars arrange the electronic registration maintenance of domain names in order to simplify and accelerate the registration, taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

3.5. The registration of a domain name, the cancellation of registration or any changes to the registration-related information, as well as maintenance services or termination of maintenance services for domain names are provided in accordance with the Registrant’s e-mail correspondence to the Registrar.

3.6. To register a domain name, the Registrant creates a user account by registering via the Registrar’s website or by using electronic signature certificates and creating an account. This user account is also used for the applications related to the cancellation of the registration or for any changes to the registration-related information, as well as for the provision or termination of maintenance services for a domain name. The use of other persons’ data is prohibited when a domain name is registered.

3.7. Physical persons record the following information when they register via the website to create a user account: 

3.7.1. name, surname and patronymic, citizenship, address;

3.7.2. contact details (phone and (or) mobile phone number, e-mail address);

3.7.3. ID number and series, name of issuing authority and date of issuance;

3.7.4. taxpayer identification number (TIN) if the user is a private owner. 

3.8. Legal entities record the following information when creating a user account:

3.8.1. name, surname and patronymic, citizenship, and address of the managing director or his representative;

3.8.2. ID number and series, name of issuing authority and date of issuance;

3.8.3. full name of legal entity, country of registration, address and contact details (phone and (or) mobile phone number, e-mail address);

3.8.4. taxpayer identification number (TIN).

3.9. The Registrants sign in their user accounts using the same method for the registration, i.e., using username and password or electronic signature certificates.

3.10. During the domain name registration, the Registrant is provided with an opportunity to consult the Domain Name Registration Agreement, as well as to record registration-related information, and to make payments in electronic form for the registration and maintenance services. An electronic application is sent to the Registrar after the Registrant has agreed with the terms of the Registration Agreement.

3.11. The Registrar shall immediately send notification of the receipt of the electronic application to the Registrant’s e-mail address and user account, and this notification is deemed to be registered for review from the moment it has been sent to the Registrant.

3.12. All applications are reviewed on the same basis, within at least 3 (three) working days in accordance with the sequence of their receipt, and the decision on the outcome shall be sent by the Registrar to the Registrant’s e-mail address and user account.

3.13. The Registrant must regularly check the e-mail address or user account specified in the application. The Registrar is not responsible for the consequences of non-verification of information submitted by the Registrant.

3.14. The Registration Agreement shall come into force once the Registrar sends the decision to register the domain name to the Registrant.

3.15. The ‘az’ country code top-level domain names are registered and maintained in accordance with these Rules, as well as with the model Registration Agreement attached hereto.

3.16. The registration period of a domain name is regulated by the Registration Agreement for a period of more than ten (10) years and not less than one (1) year, and the payment for the registration period is calculated by years.

3.17. Information on these Rules, as well as a model Registration Agreement, the Application Form and the Registration Procedure for Domain Names are placed on the Registrar’s website and run by the National Administrator.

3.18. The Registrant can seek information about the current status of the domain name by submitting a request to run by the National Administrator.

3.19. When applying for a domain name, the Registrant must confirm the completeness and accuracy of the information specified in the Registration Agreement; the availability of information that the domain name registration does not violate or limit the rights and legitimate interests of third parties; does not pursue illegal purposes; and will not be used to violate applicable law.

3.20. Registrars can verify the information provided by the Registrant by submitting requests to the relevant information systems through the ‘Electronic Government Information System’.

4. Requirements for Domain Name Registration

4.1. The following technical requirements shall be met when choosing a Domain Name:

4.1.1. The Domain Name shall consist of at least 3 (three) and maximum 63 characters;

4.1.2. The domain name shall only contain scripts used in English (also Azerbaijani, in cases of applying the registration of domain names in the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan), Arabic digits (0-9) and a hyphen (-);

4.1.3. a hyphen (-) shall not be used at the beginning and at the end of the domain name, as well as consecutive hyphen (-) characters in the domain name;

4.2. When choosing a Domain Name, it is not permissible to use geographical names (names of districts, cities, regions, mountains, rivers, reserves, etc.) belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan, surnames, names and pseudonyms of prominent and well-known personalities and expressions derived therefrom and their translation into different languages. Registration of such domain names is carried out on the basis of the consent of these persons, their heirs or legal representatives and after approval with the Ministry.

4.3. To prevent the use of words or expressions in domain names contrary to social order, morals or ethics, violating human dignity, provoking national outrage, offending and distorting religious values, supporting cruelty, violence and other actions prohibited by law, a ‘Stop-list’ is defined by the National Administrator on the basis of international experience and feedback received from the Ministry.

4.4. It is not allowed to use words or expressions, their shortened forms and translations into different languages in domain names, which are contrary to social orders, morals or ethics, violating human dignity, provoking national outrage, offending and distorting religious values, supporting cruelty, violence and other actions prohibited by law. In such cases, the Registrar shall notify the National Administrator to reject the registration of the domain name or to cancel the registration, and to include the respective domain name in the ‘Stop-list’.

4.5. When choosing a domain name, Registrants are encouraged to choose a domain name that corresponds to their official names, fields of activity or essence of the project they implement.

4.6. According to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On Trademarks and Geographical Indications’, if the Domain Name or its principal part is registered or used unfairly on the internet network as replicating or imitating a well-known trademark, or as its translated or transliterated form, it is considered to be a violation of the rights of the well-known trade mark owners. In this case, the owner of the well-known trade mark may juridically require the registration authority which registered the contentious domain name, to suspend its registration or to return that name to the owner of the well-known trademark.

4.7. When selecting a domain name, the Registrant is held responsible for the violation of the rights of third parties.

4.8. The use of the names of the state bodies (institutions) of the Republic of Azerbaijan with their subordinate divisions or subsidiaries, international companies, institutions and enterprises, as well as public and political associations, their shortened forms or translations into different languages in domain names is permitted only with a written application or their consent.

4.9. Reserved domain names are registered with the consent of the Ministry.

4.10. The list of reserved domain names is determined by the Ministry based on the review and suggestions of state bodies (institutions).

4.11. Second-level domain names of general use are reserved for the registration of third-level domain names. The decision to determine the new domain names for public use is made by the National Administrator taking into account the views of the Ministry.

4.12. In the case of two identical domain names, preference is given to the first applicant to register the name.

4.13. The technical requirements specified in paragraph 4.1 of the Rules for the registration of a domain name do not apply to the domain names registered before the entry into force of these Rules.

5. Cancelling Domain Name Registration

5.1. The registration of a domain name shall be cancelled in the following cases:

5.1.1. if the claimed domain name has already been registered under another name;

5.1.2. inaccuracy of information specified in the domain name registration application;

5.1.3. failure to comply with the requirements for the registration of a domain name established by these Rules;

5.1.4. inclusion of a domain name in the list of allocated domain names;

5.1.5. inclusion of a domain name in the ‘Stop-list’;

5.1.6. failure to pay the domain name registration fee;

5.1.7. the absence of a written application or approval by the state bodies (institutions) of the Republic of Azerbaijan with subordinate divisions or subsidiaries, international companies, institutions and enterprises, as well as public and political associations for the use of their names in domain names, including their abbreviated forms or translations into different languages;

5.1.8. The use of geographical names (names of districts, cities, regions, mountains, rivers, reserves, etc.) belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan, surnames, names and pseudonyms of prominent and well-known personalities and expressions derived therefrom and their translation into different languages without the consent of the personalities, their heirs or legal representatives, without reference to the Ministry;

5.1.9. in the case referred to in paragraph 4.4 of the present Rules.

5.2. In case a decision is made to refuse the domain name registration, the amount paid in advance when applying is refunded to the Registrant.

5.3. The Registrant may appeal before a court of law against the refusal of the domain name registration.

6. Extension of the Registration Period of Domain Names

6.1. At least one (1) month before the expiration date of the domain name registration, the Registrar shall send an e-mail to the Domain Owner and (or) a request to the user account to extend the registration period. The Domain Owner that receives the request may apply to the Registrar before the registration deadline. The registration period shall be extended within the context of the present Registration Agreement valid for that period.

6.2. Unless the Domain Owner responds to a request for the extension of the registration period before the registration deadline, maintenance services for the Domain Name shall be suspended. The Domain Name registration will be canceled in the event of failure to make such a payment within 30 days after the discontinuation of technical support.

7. Use of Domain Names

7.1. Domain names shall be used in accordance with these Rules.

7.2. Paragraphs 4.2-4.9 of these Rules shall apply also to the creation and use of a subdomain of a domain name by the Domain Owner who is not charged for the creation of such a subdomain.

7.3. The registration of a registered domain name shall be canceled and removed from the Registry in the following cases:

7.3.1. a Domain Owner (legal representative or heir) applies;

7.3.2. in case of a court ruling on cancellation of the domain name registration, which has entered into force;

7.3.3. a legal entity is liquidated;

7.3.4. terms of the Registration Agreement are violated;

7.3.5. a domain name is included in the “Stop-list”;

7.3.6. in the case provided for by paragraph 6.2 of these Rules.

7.4. Maintenance services for a domain name are suspended in the following cases:

7.4.1. a Domain Owner (legal representative or heir) applies;

7.4.2. subject to the terms of the Registration Agreement signed between the Registrar and Domain Owner;

7.4.3. in case of a related court decision;

7.4.4. in case of the death of a physical person, as well as the disability of a physical person confirmed by a court decision that has entered into force, and the announcement of a physical person missing or dead;

7.4.5. in case of the disability of physical person restricted by a court decision of the court or deprivation of liberty pursuant to a verdict that has become enforceable;

7.4.6. in the cases provided for in paragraphs 6.2, 8.6 and 8.7 of these Rules.

7.5. The Registrar shall send notification on the decision on early termination of the domain registration or suspension of the maintenance services for the domain name to the Domain Owner’s e-mail address and (or) user account within one (1) working day following this decision.

7.6. Once the conditions that gave rise to the domain name suspension have been eliminated, the Registrar shall recover maintenance services for the domain name within 24 hours.

7.7. The Domain Owner may appeal to the court on the decision of the Registrar to cancel the domain name registration before its expiration or to end maintenance services for the domain name.

8. Registry Maintenance

8.1. The National Administrator establishes and maintains the Registry.

8.2. The Registry is comprised of primary and backup servers where access is through the appropriate website created under the domain name “” available 24/7 uninterruptedly.

8.3. Integrating the information system of Registrars into the Registry enables to maintain the unified administration of ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone.

8.4. The information provided in Appendix 2 is entered into the Registry.

8.5. Domain Owners are responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the data stored in the Registry. In case of any changes to this information, the Domain Owner shall inform the Registrar within three (3) working days.

8.6. Unless the Domain Owner informs the Registrar of any changes to the data stored in the Registry within three (3) working days, the maintenance services for the domain name will be suspended.

8.7. In the event of proving the inaccuracy of information submitted by the Domain Owner when the domain name is registered and entered into the Registry, the Registrar will forthwith notify the Domain Owner through the latter’s e-mail address and/or user account. Unless the Domain Owner submits up-to-date data or documents confirming the validity of the information within three (3) working days from the date of notification, the maintenance services for the domain name will be suspended.

8.8. Disclosure of information stored in the Registry is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Personal Data”.

9. Registrars

9.1. A person desiring to provide domain registration services in ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone applies to the National Administrator.

9.2. The applicant’s technical capacity of an information system is checked by the National Administrator within 20 working days.

9.3. The technical capacity encompasses the following:

9.3.1. the use of certified technical devices and equipment in the information system;

9.3.2. the use of licensed software in the information system;

9.3.3. the provision of at least two different blocks of IP address class to ensure the alternates of the Internet connectivity of the information system;

9.3.4. the provision of sustainability and alternates of energy supply of the information systems;

9.3.5. the capability to archive and backup the data stored in the information system;

9.3.6. the provision of sustainability of the information system against external interference and protection from unauthorized access, as well as recording incidents involving information security;

9.3.7. the storage of complete records of registered domain names and the availability of prompt transfer to the Registry;

9.3.8. the provision of the use of network security protocols;

9.3.9. the availability of maintenance and analysis of transaction log files;

9.3.10. the availability of user interface and personal cabinet in the information system;

9.3.11. the provision of the integration of electronic signatures into the information system;

9.3.12. the compliance of the information system with the requirements established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

9.3.13. the provision of interrupted functioning of the information system 24 hours a day;

9.4. If the result of the verification is positive, the National Administrator and the applicant sign an Agreement for the registration of domain names in ‘az’ country code top-level domain zone.

9.5. In case of any changes in the information relating to the Registrar, the Registrar must inform the National Administrator within three (3) working days.

9.6. The National Administrator allows public access to the following information relating to the Registrars through its website “”:

9.6.1. legal entity’s name, state registration, organizational and legal form and address, physical person’s full name (surname, given name and patronymic) and address;

9.6.2. contact details (phone number, fax, Internet and e-mail address).

9.7. The Registrars are responsible for the accuracy, validity and relevance of their data stored on “” managed by the National Administrator.

9.8. The Registrars’ functions that are found inadequate in terms of the requirements specified in Part 9 of these Rules shall be terminated by the National Administrator. In this case, the National Administrator transfers the rights and obligations under all agreements signed between the Registrant and the Registrar, whose functions are terminated, under an agreement to another Registrar upon his/her consent.

10. Final Provisions

10.1. The ownership of a domain can be changed only upon written request of the Domain Owner (his/her legal representative or heir) by signing a new Registration Agreement.

10.2. The Domain Owner is responsible for violations of the requirements of Article 13-2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Information, information technology and protection of information” and Article 5.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On electronic commerce” on the website available under his domain name.

10.3. The Ministry, the National Administrator and the Registrar do not engage in relations between the Domain Owner and third parties with respect to the use of domain names and are not responsible for such relations. 


to the “Rules governing the registration and use of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names” 


No. ____ 

Baku “___” _______ 20__ 

1. Parties to the Agreement

_____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Registrar”), on the one part and _______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Registrant”), on the other part, individually referred to as the “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

2. Subject Matter of the Agreement

2.1. Under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Registrar, upon request of the Registrant, agrees to create for the latter any ‘az’ country code top-level domain name according to the following table, assuming responsibility to provide technical assistance for this domain name and to make sure that relevant data are entered into the Domain Name Registry (hereinafter referred to as the “Registry”) within the date set.


Domain Name

Period (years) 



2.2. The domain name registration and technical support are available after receipt of the registration fee. The domain name is deemed to be registered from the moment of the inclusion of the domain-related data in the Registry.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

3.1. Obligations of the Registrant:

3.1.1. to conduct its activities relating to the allocated domain name in accordance with the Republic of Azerbaijan’s laws, as well as the “Rules governing the registration and use of ‘az’ country code top-level domain names” (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”);

3.1.2. not to use other persons’ information when a domain name is registered; to provide accurate, complete and reliable information; not to violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties; and to perform other duties arising out of these Rules;

3.1.3. to be responsible for the consequences in case the domain name management is transferred to third parties;

3.1.4. to comply with the requirements for the registration of domain names specified in Section 4 of these Rules;

3.1.5. to ensure the relevance of information kept in the Registry, as well as to provide updated information within the timeframes specified in paragraphs 8.5 and 8.7 of these Rules;

3.1.6. to cover the cost of the services provided in a timely manner. 

3.2. Obligations of the Registrar:

3.2.1. to comply with these Rules;

3.2.2. to inform the Registrant of any amendments made to these Rules;

3.2.3. to observe the terms and procedures related to the consideration of appeals set out in these Rules;

3.2.4. to ensure that all the information about the Rules, the Agreement, Application Form and Registration Procedure is made available on the website for Registrars and website managed by the National Administrator;

3.2.5. to provide high quality technical support to the domain name;

3.2.6. to allow the Registrant to see the information specified in paragraph 3.2.4 of this Agreement, and to make electronic payments when a domain name is registered;

3.2.7. to inform the Registrant of preventive measures in advance, to urgently address technical gaps.

3.3. Rights of the Registrant:

3.3.1. to use the registered domain name, provided that it does not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and these Rules;

3.3.2. to secure technical advice on the domain name from the Registrar;

3.3.3. to receive information on a domain name from the Registry;

3.3.4 to extend the period of registration for a domain name.

3.4. Rights of the Registrar:

3.4.1. to terminate the Agreement or temporarily suspend the domain name maintenance in the cases provided for in the Rules and the present Agreement;

3.4.2. to verify the information submitted by the Registrant as necessary, and request documents determining their authenticity.

4. Payment Procedure

4.1. The registration and service fees are included in the invoice which is an integral part of this Agreement. 

4.2. Payments under this Agreement are made in cash or by bank transfer.

4.3. Once the domain name is registered, the registration of the domain name is extended by means of paying maintenance fees only.

4.4. The payment for the period of registration is calculated by years.

4.5. In cases involving termination of this Agreement, the refund will be made in accordance with Article 5.2 thereof.

4.6. Payment is effected in the Azerbaijan manat (AZN).

5. Termination 

5.1. This Agreement may be terminated in the following cases:

5.1.1. the Registrant submits 10 (ten) days prior written notice to the Registrar;

5.1.2. the Registrant fails to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Rules;

5.1.3. the registration of a domain name is cancelled;

5.1.4. the existence of a relevant judicial decision.

5.2 Terminating the Agreement, with the exception of the instance provided for under subparagraph 5.2.1 of this Agreement, the Registrar shall refund to the Registrant the monthly maintenance fees calculated for the period leaving the domain unused.

6. Terms and Conditions to Extend the Agreement

6.1. The duration of the Agreement is shown in the table in paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement.

6.2. This Agreement shall be extended in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 6 of the Rules.

7. Correspondence and Notifications

7.1. The official correspondence between the Parties to this Agreement is deemed to be paper-based documents, transmissions via fax and to the user account, as well as notifications using the details (legal address, e-mail address, etc.) specified in Section 13 of this Agreement.

8. Agreement to Review Personal Data 

8.1. The Registrant agrees that the Registrar shall process the personal data taking into account the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Personal Data”.

8.2. The Registrar ensures that personal data relating to the Registrant are processed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Personal Data”.

8.3. By signing this Agreement, the Registrant, in order to ensure the viability of the domain and to provide notice of domain names, entrusts the Registrar with the placement of personal details in the relevant databases, registries, Internet information resources and information systems in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Personal Data”.

8.4. By signing this Agreement, the Registrant agrees to transfer personal data to another registrar, the National Administrator and relevant government agencies, in case they are subject to investigation.

9. Force Majeure

9.1. A Party is not liable for a failure to perform in whole or in part its duties under this Agreement if it can prove that the failure was due to a Force Majeure Event, an irresistible force, occurring within a specified period of time.

9.2. Such Force-Majeure (unavoidable) circumstances include natural disasters (earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption, landslide, tsunami, etc.), strong gusts of wind, extreme temperatures, heavy precipitation, which exclude normal human activity at the place of performance under this Agreement, and other circumstances which the Parties may mutually determine as an exceptional case for the execution of their obligations.

9.3. Each Party who becomes aware of a Force Majeure Event which gives rise to, or which is likely to give rise to, any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement, will forthwith notify the other Party.

9.4. In case of Force Majeure, the Parties shall endeavor to reach mutually acceptable agreement in respect of the performance of their obligations under this Agreement.

10. Dispute Resolution

10.1. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

10.2. Should the Parties fail to reach agreement, the dispute will be settled by courts in accordance with laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

11. Amending the Agreement

11.1. The Parties may, upon an official request and by mutual consent, amend this Agreement.

11.2. Amendments to this Agreement shall be governed by the Supplementary Agreement which is an integral part thereof.

12. Final Provisions

12.1. The termination of this Agreement shall not relieve from the liability for the consequences of any breach of laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Rules, and requirements during the entire validity term of this Agreement.

12.2. Each Party is within 3 (three) days obligated to inform the other Party of the change in its address, bank details, and information provided under this Agreement.

12.3. The Registrant must confirm that he/she is familiar and agree with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement before applying for the registration of a Domain Name.

12.4. The Agreement is deemed to be in force in the form set out in paragraph 3.14 of the Rules. The Registrant may request the Registrar to sign this Agreement in printed form.

13. Legal Addresses and Bank Details of the Parties



Legal address:

E-mail address:

Bank details:

ID number and series: _____________

Legal address:

E-mail address:

Bank details:






Appendix 2

Approved by Resolution No. 63 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 
dated 25 February 2019

Lists of information included in the domain name registry 


Name of data


Domain Name


Domain Name Registrar


Domain Owner details:


Surname, given name and patronymic 


Full name of the organization, if the domain name is a legal entity 


Address of the Domain Owner 


E-mail address


Phone and (or) mobile phone numbers


Technical details of DNS servers:


Name and IP address of the primary DNS server


Name and IP address of the secondary DNS server


Registration period